What are boy names that start with S?
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Whether or not you know the gender- it’s so fun to look for baby names. It makes that tiny little one inside of you feel so much more real 🙂
It’s never too early to start searching the internet for unique baby girl names and unique baby boy names that you and your partner can agree on. (if you’re like my husband and I, it won’t be many LOL)
So, what are cute boy names that start with S?
These are the most popular baby boy names of the last decade starting with “s”:
- Sebastian
- Santiago
- Sawyer
- Silas
- Steven
- Sean
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Let’s dive in to the most unique baby boy names that start with S:

- Sabelo
- Saber
- Sabien
- Sacha
- Sadler
- Sagan
- Sagar
- Sage
- Sailor
- Saint
- Sal
- Salazar
- Salem
- Salinger
- Salman
- Salmon
- Salomon
- Salvador
- Salvatore
- Sam
- Sampson
- Samson
- Sanderson
- Sanford
- Sanjay
- Santana
- Santonio
- Sarell
- Sargent
- Satchel
- Saturn
- Saul
- Sawyer
- Saxby
- Saxon
- Saxton
- Sayers

- Scipio
- Scorpius
- Scotia
- Scotland
- Scott
- Scout
- Scully
- Scevola
- Schroeder
- Schuyler

- Seabern
- Seager
- Seamus
- Seaton
- Seattle
- Seaver
- Seder
- Seeley
- Selby
- Selleck
- Selmer
- Selwyn
- Seneca
- Septimus
- Serafin
- Seraph
- Serge
- Sergei
- Seton
- Sevan
- Severus
- Seymour

- Shadden
- Shaddock
- Shade
- Shaden
- Shadow
- Shakespeare
- Shannon
- Shasta
- Shaughnessy
- Shaw
- Shelby
- Sheldon
- Shepherd
- Shepley
- Sheridan
- Sherlock
- Sherman
- Sherrill
- Sherwin
- Sherwood
- Shia
- Shiloh
- Shipley
- Shirley
- Shye
- Shylon

- Sian
- Siddarth
- Sidney
- Siegfried
- Sierre
- Silas
- Siler
- Sillan
- Silvan
- Silver
- Silvestre
- Silvio
- Simba
- Simon
- Simpson
- Sinan
- Sinbad
- Sincere
- Sinclair
- Sir
- Sire
- Sirius
- Sivan
- Sixten
- Sixtus

- Skia
- Skofi
- Sky
- Skyler

- Slade
- Slane
- Slate
- Slater
- Slayden
- Sloan

- Smith
- Smoky

- Snowden
- Snyder

- Socrates
- Sohan
- Solace
- Solan
- Soleil
- Solomon
- Somerled
- Somerset
- Sondre
- Sonnen
- Sora
- Soren
- Sorrell
- Sorren

- Spade
- Spalding
- Sparrow
- Spartacus
- Spearman
- Spellman
- Spence
- Spenser
- Spike
- Spirit
- Springer
- Spyder
- Spyridon

- Squandro
- Squeag
- Squire

- St. John
- Stacy
- Stafford
- Stahley
- Stampley
- Stanford
- Stannis
- Stanton
- Star
- Stark
- Starlin
- Starsky
- Steele
- Stellan
- Sten
- Sterling
- Stetson
- Stiles
- Stockholm
- Stockton
- Stokely
- Stone
- Street
- Strider
- Striker
- Striver
- Strom

- Sukhwinder
- Sulien
- Sullivan
- Sulo
- Sultan
- Summit
- Sumner
- Sunny
- Sutter
- Sutton

- Sven
- Svierre

- Swain
- Sweeney
- Swinton

- Sy
- Sykes
- Sylar
- Sylvan
- Sylvester
- Sylvio
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