What are girl names that start with A?
You found out you’re expecting- congratulations momma! When I found out I was pregnant with my first baby I’ll never forget my husbands reaction-
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His eyes got real wide and then he started hyperventilating and bounced off two walls like a pinball on his way to sit down 😅
After it all sunk in, we were so crazy excited. We ordered a giant pizza to celebrate and it was one of the best nights of my life.
Then I started thinking of names for my tiny little sesame seed, just like you are now. Scouring the internet for unique baby girl names and unique baby boy names (before we found out the gender.)
So, what are cute girl names that start with A?
These are the most popular baby girl names of the last decade starting with “a”:
- Ava
- Amelia
- Abigail
- Avery
- Addison
- Aubrey
- Aria
- Audrey
- Allison
- Anna
- Aaliyah
- Alexa
- Arianna
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Still need to take a prenatal class? Hilary has been an OB nurse since 1997! Check out her FREE prenatal course here.

Let’s dive in to the most unique baby girl names that start with a:

- Aabriella
- Aada
- Aagraha
- Aahliyah
- Aaina
- Aaleila
- Aaleya
- Aalin
- Aamia
- Aarika
- Aase
- Aayushi
- Aarti

- Ababa
- Abagail
- Abbiney
- Aberdeen
- Aberdine
- Aberiana
- Abernathy
- Absidee
- Absylla

- Acacia
- Acadia
- Accalia
- Acela
- Acelina
- Acelynn
- Achara
- Achsah
- Acilia

- Ada
- Adabelle
- Adahlia
- Adair
- Adaira
- Adalaide
- Adalee
- Adalene
- Adalia
- Adaliah
- Adalie
- Adaliss
- Adaliz
- Adaly
- Adalyn
- Adamari
- Adania
- Adara
- Adaya
- Adda
- Addalie
- Addalyn
- Addeline
- Addica
- Addison
- Addolorata
- Adea
- Adeara
- Adecca
- Adeen
- Adél
- Adela
- Adelfa
- Adelia
- Adelin
- Adelpha
- Adelphia
- Aden
- Adepero
- Adibella
- Adica
- Adina
- Adlen
- Adler
- Adley
- Adora
- Adorabella
- Adramicia
- Adrastea
- Adrasteia
- Adreen
- Adria
- Adrian
- Adriana
- Adrie
- Adryen
- Adva
- Adventura
- Advirah

- Aebi
- Aedith
- Aegle
- Aela
- Aelfrida
- Aelia
- Aelin
- Aelish
- Aelita
- Aelith
- Aella
- Aelwen
- Aembey
- Aemilia
- Aemy
- Aenor
- Aeria
- Aerilyn
- Aerin
- Aeris
- Aerith
- Aeronwen
- Aeronwy
- Aerowyn
- Aeryn
- Aesinye
- Aeva

- Africa
- Afrodita
- Afrodite
- Afsha
- Afternoon
- Afton

- Agape
- Agatha
- Agda
- Aggie
- Aglaé
- Aglaia
- Agnella
- Agnes
- Agnesina
- Agnessa
- Agneta
- Agostina
- Agota
- Agueda
- Agustina
Don’t miss these new momma FREEBIES <3
Use the code NEWMOMMA20 to snag any of the following for free:

- Ahava
- Ahinoam
- Ahlai
- Ahleya
- Ahmeera
- Ahmi
- Ahmya
- Ahnah
- Ahnika
- Aholibamah
- Ahoy
- Ahu
- Ahuva
- Ahva
- Ahyoka

- Ai
- Aia
- Aibhne
- Aibreann
- Aïcha
- Aida
- Aidanne
- Aide
- Aidee
- Aideen
- Aiden
- Aidenn
- Aidy
- Aifric
- Aika
- Aikaterini
- Aiko
- Aila
- Ailana
- Ailani
- Ailbhe
- Aileen
- Ailey
- Aili
- Ailidh
- Ailie
- Ailís
- Ailise
- Ailish
- Ailith
- Ailla
- Ailsa
- Ailynn
- Aimee
- Aimie
- Aina
- Ainara
- Aine
- Ainhoa
- Aino
- Ainslee
- Airabella
- Airam
- Airene
- Airianna
- Airie
- Airis
- Airlie
- Aishla
- Aishwarya
- Aisla
- Aislin
- Aisling
- Aislinn
- Aislyn
- Aitzin
- Aiva
- Aivlys
- Aixa
- Aiyana
- Aizha
- Aizlynn

- Aja
- Ajani
- Ajarae
- Ajaya
- Ajilea
- Ajita
- Ajooni

- Akalroop
- Akane
- Akasha
- Akasya
- Akayla
- Akayna
- Akela
- Akende
- Akenna
- Akia
- Akiara
- Akiko
- Akilah
- Akilina
- Akina
- Akira
- Akiryana
- Akiye
- Akiyla
- Akora
- Aktavia

- Ala
- Alabama
- Aladara
- Alahna
- Alaia
- Alameda
- Alanda
- Alandra
- Alane
- Alani
- Alanis
- Alankrita
- Alara
- Alarice
- Alaska
- Alastríona
- Alathena
- Alauda
- Alaura
- Alaw
- Alaysha
- Alazra
- Alba
- Albania
- Albany
- Alberta
- Albia
- Albina
- Albright
- Alcee
- Alchemy
- Alcina
- Alcyone
- Alda
- Aldabella
- Alden
- Aldis
- Aldwina
- Aleah
- Aleanor
- Aleasha
- Alecto
- Alegria
- Aleksia
- Aleny
- Aleora
- Alesana
- Alesta
- Alethea
- Aletta
- Alette
- Aleu
- Alev
- Alex
- Alexa
- Aleyda
- Alfa
- Alfreda
- Ali
- Alia
- Aliaya
- Alibeth
- Alida
- Aliena
- Alienor
- Alique
- Alira
- Alise
- Alistar
- Alla
- Allaire
- Allora
- Alma
- Almeda
- Aloe
- Aloha
- Alta
- Altaira
- Altalune
- Altea
- Alva
- Alza
- Alzbeta
- Alzena

- Ama
- Amabel
- Amada
- Amadea
- Amadora
- Amae
- Amal
- Amalea
- Amalia
- Amalie
- Amalina
- Amalthea
- Amalyah
- Amana
- Amaranth
- Amarielle
- Amarilla
- Amaris
- Amaryllis
- Amberson
- Ambree
- Ambrosia
- America
- Amethyst
- Amparo
- Amphitrite
- Amzie


- Aobhe
- Aoi
- Aoife
- Aois
- Aolani
- Aomame
- Aowyn

- Aparna
- Aphixia
- Aphra
- Aphrodite
- Apolline
- Apollonia
- Apphia
- Apple

- Aqila
- Aqua
- Aquamarine
- Aquaria
- Aquata
- Aquila
- Aquilina
- Aquinnah

- Ara
- Arabella
- Aracelia
- Aradia
- Aralia
- Arama
- Arbor
- Arcadia
- Arcana
- Ardath
- Ardell
- Arden
- Ardis
- Ardolla
- Argentina
- Arizona
- Arka
- Arlo
- Arrow
- Artie
- Aruna
- Arvella
- Arzu

- Åsa
- Asalia
- Ascencion
- Asha
- Ashden
- Ashlen
- Asia
- Aspen
- Asta
- Astara
- Astella
- Aster
- Asteria
- Astero
- Astoria
- Astrid
- Asya

- Atalia
- Atara
- Athena
- Atlanta
- Atlantis
- Atley
- Attica
- Attie

- Auberlyn
- Aubree
- Aubreigh
- Aubrin
- Auden
- Audette
- Audra
- August
- Augusta
- Aurora
- Auryn
- Austin
- Australia
- Autumn
- Auxerre

- Ava
- Avalia
- Avalon
- Avana
- Ave
- Aveson
- Avis
- Avonlea
- Avra
- Avree
- Avynn

- Awilda
- Awtry

- Axelina
- Axelle

- Aya
- Aybree
- Ayuna
- Ayvah
- Ayzee

- Azahara
- Azalaïs
- Azami
- Azania
- Azara
- Azenor
- Azie
- Azlin
- Azura
- Azure
- Azuria
Unique Boy Names
Boy Names That Start With W
Boy Names That Start With X
Boy Names That Start With Y
Unique Girl Names
More baby name ideas you might like:
- Unusual Baby Boy Names {rare and unique boy names that aren’t overused}
- 300+ Cute And Uncommon Baby Girl Names

Sunday 6th of February 2022
the ร in ร sa has that ring above it that's part of the letter to indicate it's pronounced like o, so it'd be pronounced Osa so it's not exactly an A name :p
Wednesday 19th of May 2021
Averly is a beautiful and unique name for the AV section.