So, you’re expecting a baby. And probably freaking out, just a little, about the fact that you’re going to have to push that baby out of you.
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Don’t worry, it’s okay to freak out a bit. I remember sitting on my bed at 37 weeks, pregnant with my third baby and it suddenly hit me like a bolt of lightning-
I have to give birth to this baby. I have to deliver a baby- again!
Cue the sobbing and saying “I can’t do this” over and over.
After my little episode, it was okay. I started to remember the good things from my previous births and reassure myself that I could, in fact, do this.
If it’s your first baby, it might feel different. You’re really pulling an Elsa here and going into the unknown. There are so many things to worry think about and there just aren’t any definite answers.
But, knowledge is power and it will help you feel prepared for whatever is in store.
Still haven’t taken a prenatal class? Sign up HERE for Hilary’s online course. She’s been an OB nurse since 2001 🙂 Use the code PC10 for 10% off
Top 10 Labor Questions Asked and Answered
Have you been wondering if that crippling exhaustion you're feeling is actually a sign of baby coming soon? Find out if it's labor beginning or just the need for a nap.
If you're running to the toilet and wondering if it's the spicy food you ate last night or a sneaky labor sign- you'll want to continue reading to find out for sure. Baby could be on the way!
Feeling emotional? Like, even more than the usual pregnancy emotions? Real moms share their own experiences with emotional labor signs.
How do you know when labor is 24-48 hours away? There are some sure fire signs- make sure you know what they are so you're prepared!
Everyone talks about breathing during labor. Do you know how to do it? It's better to make sure you have an understanding before you get to the hospital- you won't have time to learn there!
If you're worried about how long labor and delivery will take, you might want to read these tips on how to speed up labor and delivery. They work even for first time moms!
You're probably well versed in the traditional signs of labor, but what about the non traditional signs? There are some whacky signs that baby is coming and you should know what they are to be prepared!
Can you be in labor without knowing? Find out how to tell when you are officially in labor- plus when to head to the hospital!
Packing your hospital bag shouldn't be difficult. Unless you have no idea what to pack. Find out the absolute essentials you need for childbirth, labor and delivery. Plus download a free checklist!
You're 39+ weeks pregnant and just. done. Coaxing baby out can be fun- check out these safe ways to naturally induce labor.
Where do you feel contractions? Find out where you'll feel them and HOW they feel from other real moms!