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I’m Jenni 🙂
I’ve been blogging since March of 2019- the year blogging supposedly “died.”
Let me assure you, my friend, it’s alive and well!
I really debated sharing income reports online. The only reason I decided to do so was because I wanted to show a SUPER REALISTIC timeline to making an livable income with your blog.
There is so much information out there. And a lot of the people that are making a ridiculous amount of money right out of the gate either got really lucky or aren’t being entirely truthful.
There is also so much conflicting information about what to do first when you start your blog.
I wasted A LOT of time trying to develop a product when I had NO audience or clear idea of what I should sell!
Sometimes, you figure out your audience as you build traffic. Trust me, the traffic speaks for itself. You’ll start getting a feel for popular posts and what your audience likes to read.
My Story
I started my blog in March of 2019. I was blown away finding pins on Pinterest with people claiming they’d made a 1000, 3000, even 10,000 DOLLARS in a month. From HOME.
(This is what drew me in. I was dreading the thought of my mat leave ending and either going back to work on the farm or looking for another job just for my kids to be in daycare. I wanted something that I could do at home on my own time with no wage cap.)
The thought that maybe I could DO this wouldn’t leave. I read as much as I possibly could because I was extremely skeptical. I finally convinced myself that it *might* be possible.
I started my blog before my baby was born in October but didn’t offically “launch” until March, when I had more posts and felt more confident. I wasn’t in a rush to make money because I was on Maternity leave and here in Canada, it lasts for a year or more but you can’t make any extra income during or they’ll take away your mat leave.
If I were YOU, I would NOT wait that long to launch. It takes a new domain 3-6 months to get out the Google sandbox.
The faster you get content up, the faster it will start counting down the timer for ranking on Google.
I really, really wish that someone would have told me the exact timeline so I knew what to expect.
It will take 1-2 YEARS to see a livable income. Yes, some are lucky and see an income before 1 year. It’s not many.
This is why so many people give up- they may be on the cusp, not know it and quit because it takes so much time and dedication.
Blogging is not for the faint of heart.
I had my first 2000$ CAD month in October, 2020. That’s 19 months since I started. I’ve had a few 1000$- 1500$ CAD months before that.
2000$ CAD or 1500$ USD was my goal from the beginning. That equals working full time (40 hours per week) at minimum wage where I live.
The fact that I made a fulltime wage from my home, on my laptop, with my kids, blows. my. mind.
I am PASSIONATE about helping others reach this goal, or higher. I am PASSIONATE about busting through the 9-5 myth and breaking down the idea that you need to work your ass off for some other person to make a wage that has a ceiling and then retire to enjoy “the rest of your life.”
What about NOW, my friend? What about living NOW? No, money doesn’t solve everything. But it sure helps a lot. Financial freedom brings peace of mind, extra TIME and the ability to pursue your passions without worry.
Our cat almost lost his leg recently. The vet bill was 1500$. I made 1500$ from my blog that month and paid the bill without it putting us into debt or sending us into a spiral of stress, worry and being stretched too thin.
So, maybe you don’t want to travel the world or buy a Lamborghini (but if you do, that’s cool!). But maybe you DO want the peace of mind that an extra couple of thousand dollars can do for you or your family each month.
Is starting a blog even worth it these days? Should I start a blog?
There are 2 answers to this:
IF you fully understand that it takes TIME and HARD WORK- yes, it’s worth it.
If you think you’re going to strike it rich overnight and collect 10,000$ paychecks right away? Nope. Not worth it for you.
Blog Income Reports
I would love to share my income reports with you. I *think* they’re pretty useful and will give you a VERY realistic overview for growing from 0$-2000$. I will also share tips and screenshots of different techniques I tried and let you know what worked and what bombed.
I’ve decided to share them with only those that are on my email list. The reason being that I don’t want this information available to anyone on the whole wide web.
In the income reports, I will also share my RPM for my mom blog each month and what I did to improve it.
These are the type of things I want to share with you so you can fast track your growth!
The income reports will start at April of 2020 (where I went from 200$ per month to $800) and the rest will be dripped out every 2 days until you’re caught up with whatever month it is now. This will give you a fast overview of what can/will happen for you. And, what to watch out for.
Hope to see you in there 🙂
** if you don’t see the first income report, check your junk or spam folder and whitelist the email