What can you make with your toddler for Easter?
Easter is a really fun time of year for the whole family. Whether you’re religious or not, it’s a good idea to make sure that it’s more than just a chocolate-themed holiday too. And there are some wonderful ideas out there for Easter crafts that your younger kids will just absolutely love.
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So, to make things easier, we’ve put together this fun-packed list of crafts you can do with your toddlers and preschoolers to get them in the Easter mood. Some of these you may need to be more hands-on with than others, but they all give plenty of opportunities for your kids to have a lot of fun.

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Bunny Buckets
If you’re planning an Easter Egg hunt, then you can add an extra layer of fun by having your child create their own bunny bucket to collect their eggs in. All you need is a paper cup, a hole punch, some googly eyes, some card and some glue for sticking.
Depending on your child’s age, you could have them pick out the colors they want for the ears and mouth and then cut them out yourself, and you’ll definitely want to be the one punching the holes for the handle.
But they can color the bunny themselves in whatever style they want, and they’ll have a cute bucket that’s just waiting to be filled with treats.
Supplies needed:
- A paper cup
- Two googly eyes
- 2 sheets of different coloured paper
- A pair of scissors
- A pipe cleaner
- A hole punch
- Some PVA glue or a strong glue stick
- Some felt-tip pens

Toddler Bunnies
Your child will have a lot of fun making this with you, and it’s the perfect craft to gift to family as an Easter keepsake too.
You’ll need to make footprints of your child though – depending on how willing they are to go along with it, things could get very messy!
But if they’re on-board, they could choose the colors and then help to stick all the cotton balls into place.
They’re sure to think it’s hilarious turning themselves into bunnies, seeing their own face peeking out from amongst the fluff.

Pom Pom Painted Eggs
Decorating egg shapes with pretty colors and patterns creates a charming Easter craft, but why not mix things up by using pom poms instead of a paintbrush?
Use them like a stamp and your kids can easily design something really attractive and fun.
All you need are some small pom poms and some clothespins to hold them, unless you don’t mind little fingers getting a bit messy.
Dip the pom pom into the paint then place it on the egg. With toddlers you’ll just need to demo it first, but they’ll soon have the hang of it and they’ll love their creations.
RELATED: 23 Fun and Easy Easter Treats for Kids {make them together!}

Nature Easter Eggs
An alternative to paint is to find attractive decorations out in nature. Cut out the egg shape from cardboard first, and then go for a nice nature walk with your little ones.
Let them pick up some pretty things they find on your route, whether that’s stones, leaves, sticks or flower petals.
Bring them home and then, with a little helping hand from you, they can stick their findings into place to create some beautiful natural egg designs.
A lot of materials you find might stick better with a hot glue gun, so just be careful if you’re using one with a younger child.

Scrape Easter Egg Craft
A lot of Easter egg crafts involve intricate patterns, which can sometimes be hard for toddlers and preschoolers to handle. So instead, this fun and colorful craft can create some beautiful designs whilst your child just has the chance to go a little bit wild.
All you need are some cardboard egg cut outs, some brightly colored paint, and some cardboard scraps. Let your child choose their colors and then help them to add some blobs of paint all around the egg.
Then, all they need to do is scrape, scrape, scrape with their cardboard offcut and they’ll make some amazing streaky patterns.

Easy Rainbow Egg
While patterns can be tricky for younger children, it’s good to get them practicing those motor skills and learning how to piece together pretty patterns, and this craft makes it easy. All you need is a sheet of card with one or two eggs drawn onto it.
Then you’ll need some colored card, cut into strips that fit the width of the sheet of card with the egg(s), and some craft glue.
Flip the card over and let your child glue the strips in place in whichever order they want to.
Once they’re done, flip the card back over and use the egg shape you drew to cut it out. You’ve then got a simple, vibrant egg pattern that takes just minutes to make.

Sock Bunny
This is a real classic craft idea and it’s perfect for Easter. You’ll need a little more prep for these since you’ll want a spare sock, some rice, a couple of elastic bands and some decorations, including a pom pom tail and some googly eyes.
Once you have everything, you just need to fill the sock with rice – get your child to help if you have something you can funnel it with.
Use elastic bands to then tie off a body and head shape, before you cut the remaining top of the sock in half to create floppy ears. Then, simply glue on your decorations and tie a bow around and voila – one cheeky, happy little bunny.

Easter Egg Collage
You may need to cut out the egg shape for your little one but they will take over when the glue comes out, trust me.
By gathering a few different items, you can create a really cute egg collage to hang on the fridge.
Here’s what you need:
- colorful cardstock cut into an egg shape
- white glue
- foam stickers
- stickers
- feathers
- buttons
- beads
RELATED: 27 DIY Easter Crafts to Make and Sell {that are easy!}

Q-Tip Painted Easter Eggs
Feel free to take your time with this one and paint lots of eggs! Use diffferent colors and let your toddler run wild.
They may end up ditching the q-tips and opting for finger tips at some point.
Supplies needed:
- Paper
- Paint
- Q-tips

Bunny Pudding Cup
These adorable little bunnies are really simple to make, and if you leave the pudding cup intact then the craft becomes a snack, which is always a winner with younger kids!
Just turn the pudding up upside down and glue on some eyes, along with a small pom pom and pipe cleaner for a nose and whiskers.
Craft foam glued to the back of the cup makes for some perfect bunny ears too, though you may need to help with cutting out the finer shapes depending on your child’s abilities.
If you’re hosting a few kids for Easter then preparing a field of pudding cup bunnies with some green shredded paper for grass is super-fun.

RELATED: 15+ Adorable Bunny Crafts for Toddlers and Preschoolers {super cute!}
Crayon Shapes
It’s so easy to turn old broken crayons into fun new shapes. Just pick up an Easter-themed mold from your local craft store or online, and then get your child to help you gather up all their broken crayon parts.
Remove any wrappers, and then break the crayons into smaller pieces before placing them into the molds. With the oven set to 275 degrees Fahrenheit, it’ll only take around 8 minutes for the crayons to melt and fill the shape, though you’ll need to give it a while to then cool and set.
Once done, you’ve a fun Easter crayon craft that your kids can then use for their drawings.
Supplies needed:
- Crayons with paper removed
- Silicone chocolate moulds
- Baking tray
- Matte 4×6 photo paper
- Printer
- Double-sided tape or sticky dots
- Optional: Chopping board and knife

Toilet Roll Bunny
It’s surprising just how easy one toilet roll insert can be converted into a cute little bunny with a tiny bit of glue and some paint. Take the insert and let your child go wild with colors.
There’s no need to be careful here since the detail doesn’t matter.
Once the paint is dried, cut the toilet roll into four equal parts. Glue one on top of another for the head and body, and then press flat the other two.
They’ll pop back a little, but you should now have rounded diamonds which work perfectly for ears. You’ll need to construct it, but your child will love seeing their painted cardboard brought to life.

Egg Carton Basket
Sometimes, you don’t need to be overly complicated when planning your Easter crafts, and with toddlers it’s better to keep things nice and simple. So what better recycled object to turn into an Easter basket than an egg carton? It’s already perfectly sized.
The fun here is in the painting. Egg cartons are nice and robust so even the most energetic child will be able to get messy with colors without damaging their work. Once the carton is fully decorated, just staple a card strip to the sides to work as a handle and it’s ready to go for the egg hunt once the Easter Bunny has made their visit.

Paper Plate Chick
Glue and features can be a disastrous mix, but in a fun way, so embrace the chaos with this paper plate craft.
All you need is a plate and some feathers, ideally yellow, along with some craft glue, and then some extra accessories like felt and googly eyes to finish.
Let your child stick all the feathers down. Yes, they will get bits of feather stuck to them as well, but it’s nothing that a good bath can’t fix.
Once the feathers are in place and stuck down, you can work together to add the face on top, and finally the felt legs glued to the back. You could even punch a couple of holes in the top and attach some string, letting you hang the chick up to show off to visiting family.

Bunny Nose Mask
While it’s nice to make crafts that can decorate the front of the fridge or be hung up, the best crafts are those which are interactive.
And this really simple bunny mask will let your toddlers have loads of fun bouncing around as they pretend to be the Easter Bunny.
All you need are some colorful popsicle sticks that are clean and dry, along with pipe cleaners for whiskers, pompoms for the nose and necks and some paper for the rabbit teeth.
Once glued together the kids can just hold the mask up to their own nose, perfect for an hour or two of fun Easter playtime.

What do you think? Found a craft on this list that sounds perfect for your little ones at home? Remember the great thing about crafts is putting your own spin onto an activity. You don’t need to stick to the instructions, but instead encourage your child to get creative and think of how they want to make their own Easter crafts.
They’re also perfect for bonding time, since you’ll get to sit down and just have a play together, getting a bit messy and making something that you can then treasure.
Any Easter craft ideas of your own? Feel free to share them!