Toddlers are at the age where they learn how to speak some easy words and are most likely good at copying what they hear. While your child will probably don’t know how to write letters yet, it’s a good age to start helping them get familiar with the sound and shape of the letters.
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Teaching your kids doesn’t have to be a daunting and difficult task, it can be fun and creative at the same time. You can step up your toddler’s vocabulary of anything that starts with the letter B in many ways.
This compilation of colorful letter B crafts for toddlers will allow you to spend time with your child, help them stimulate their creativity, and teach them new words that start with the letter B and what it looks like.
We have a few on the list. Most of them will require basic materials like coloring pens, markers, paper, kid-friendly scissors, and some glue. Other crafts require more specific materials like beans and watercolor.

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B for Bunny

A quick and easy letter B craft for toddlers, this one only needs three different colors of paper, glue, scissor, a pen, and a small amount of cotton balls. You will have to guide your kid to cut the shapes in different sizes to make sure they can fit inside the mainframe.
B for Butterfly

This one takes a little challenge when it comes to cutting out the shape, but once everything is ready, it’s a quick glue here and there. If your toddler wants to have some fun with it, prepare some yellow, black, and orange crayons to fill out the butterfly’s head, body, and wings.
B for Bear

This bear craft is so cute and playful. Your toddler will be needing your help to print the paws and eyes. But other than that, you only need brown paper, scissors, and some glue. This is a fun letter B craft to create right after you visit the zoo.
B for Bee

The word bee is probably one of the easiest words your toddler can say. This little bee is as cute as it gets, I’m sure your toddler will be amused. Using white paper, yellow paper, brown paper, glue, googly eyes, and pen – putting this craft together will be a really fun experiment. Once finished, the bee can sit on your child’s finger like a ring and make it fly away using their hand.
B for Bus and Bird

I’m sure your toddler has seen enough wheels on the bus episode that this next craft will be an exciting one to make. Not only your child will make a letter B craft for a bus but also for a bird. Prepare colorful paper, glue, and assist them in cutting the wheels and the other shapes before gluing it on paper.
It’s better to print a bird beforehand and pick up a crayon to fill out the bird with any color your kid desires.
B for Broccoli

If you are worried that your toddler is developing some conflicting feelings with vegetables, this design is a great way to present greens playfully. Once you’re done, you can create some fun little monologue explaining to your kids that green vegetables such as broccoli are good for their bodies.
All you need are paper, scissors, glue, and green coloring pens. You may also use a printer for the eyes, hat, and nose.
B for Basketball

Perhaps your toddler starts learning what a ball is and how to shoot hoops. This craft is a fun one. Put away the scissors because you won’t need that. Instead, get a coffee filter, extra paper, glue, marker, and two crayons. I’m sure your kid will be excited to put up this art next to their basketball ring.
B is for Bird Handprint Craft

Grab some paint and be prepared to get a little messy! Dip your toddlers hand into different colors of paint and press onto paper. Add some cute orange legs and an eye- you’ve got cute birds!
B for Beans

If you have some extra beans lying around or on the way out to the bin, perhaps have some creative fun with your toddler first. Prepare a paper, pen, glue, and beans. This is such a fun way to show your kid what beans look like and how to pronounce them.
B for Bat

One of my favorite letter B crafts for toddlers on this list, this art is a fun one to make during Halloween. Gather another pair of googly eyes, some black paper, glue, scissor, and a cardboard tube (you can also use a toilet roll or paper towel roll). This design is super adorable, won’t scare your toddler. It will also allow them to get involved in Halloween decorations.
B for Balloon or Hot Air Balloon

If you want to be a bit a change, you can use some watercolor in creating this hot air balloon with your toddler instead of a crayon. Prepare a coffee filter that will serve the round balloon shape, get a marker, extra paper, and glue.
When your kid finishes placing the hot air balloon on the paper, you can guide them in adding sky, birds, trees, and sun in the background.
B for Boat

Our last one on the list will only require you to have paper and watercolor. Have you seen that footprint that parents do with their toddlers? This one is a cute and colorful way to do that. Instead of drawing a boat, you can instead place your toddler’s foot on watercolor and let them leave their print on the paper.
Some of these letter B crafts for toddlers might be a little challenging but that’s where the fun lies. You and your child can have some fun together, work together, and create some colorful while learning.
With easy materials, there are so many exciting crafts you can do together. Teaching your kids about the alphabet through playful and creative design is not only great for their brain but also stimulates their eyes for different colors and shapes. It’s another way to keep them occupied and busy all day as well.