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14 Easy Bug and Insect Crafts for Toddlers

14 Easy Bug and Insect Crafts for Toddlers

With the Spring season upon us and more critters emerging, we are keeping our little ones busy with cute, but easy bug and insect crafts. 

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While I don’t love the thought of having to fight off the bugs, I sure am happy to start seeing greener grasser, sunnier skies, and warmer weather. You can make these crafts even more outdoorsy by taking the fun outside, plus you don’t have to worry about making a mess! 

These craft ideas are fun, engaging, age appropriate, simple, and great for hands-on learning. Most of the bug and insect ideas are hands off for parents except for cutting and gluing. They also don’t require many craft supplies which is a plus and won’t require a ton of time. 

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Colorful and Fun Bug Lacing Cards for Preschoolers

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Practice fine motor skills with your toddlers while they are working on these colorful bug themed lacing cards. All you need are the cards, a hole punch, and several pieces of string for hours of fun. To make the insect cards last longer and to preserve them for next season, use a laminator or self laminating sheets. 

Fingerprint Bug Jar Craft

Fingerprint bug jar craft for kids with free printable jar. A fun and easy bug activity idea for Spring, Summer, bugs and insect themed projects for toddlers, preschoolers and kids.
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Lightning bugs usually come out after your toddler’s bedtime, so make your own fingerprint bug jar instead! Let them get a little messy by dipping their fingers onto ink pads or in paint and hang this keepsake on the fridge throughout the Spring season. 

Egg Carton Insect Crafts for Kids

Repurpose your old egg cartons by making these cute little bugs and insects. Use supplies you already have on hand like Play Doh or modeling clay, pipe cleaners, and pom poms to make tons of creations. They may need a little help painting the bodies, but toddlers love making these bugs. 

Spring Windsock Crafts

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These colorful windsocks include a bee, ladybug, and a butterfly that flutter in the wind once you hang them. There are templates available but you can easily cut out your own by using construction or cardstock paper, decorating with markers, and gluing on googly eyes. Dig back in your party stash for old streamers to attach at the bottom. 

How to Make an Easy and Fun Wiggling Caterpillar Craft

Easy and Fun Caterpillar Craft
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Pair this insect craft with reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar for an afternoon of fun! Let your toddler color or paint the caterpillar circles, then you can help to cut them out and attach the body using brass fasteners. The only other supplies you’ll need are pipe cleaners, some glue, and a hole punch.

A is for Ant Alphabet Letter Craft

Letter of the Week preschool activities! Letter recognition Letter A craft idea with free printable letter "A"
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Craft and teach about the letter A at the same time! All you’ll need is a little craft foam, a couple of googly eggs, pipe cleaners, and a little glue! Not only is this a quick and easy craft activity, it also helps toddlers with letter recognition and pronunciation. 

Popsicle Stick Dragonflies

Popsicle stick dragonfly craft for kids
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These brightly colored dragonflies will get anyone into the Spring spirit. The greatest thing about it is that there is no right or wrong way to make them. So let your toddler’s imagination go while they add different colored pom poms to make their own dragonflies. 

Invitation To Create: Build A Bug

Fine Motor Insect Craft For KidsInvitation To Create: Build A Bug. Open ended creative insect paper craft for kids. Great for color recognition & fine motor development. Perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.
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We are in love with these create trays. Basically you provide your crafters with different size cutouts and let them go wild with making bugs! Make tiny circles for eyes by punching them out with a hole puncher, which is also a time saver! This is pretty hands off for you mom, except they may need a little help gluing their insects together. 

Cute BUG Craft – using Spoons and Pipe Cleaners!

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Make creepy, crawly bugs by using disposable spoons and pipe cleaners! These things are seriously cute. If you don’t want to spend the money on buying colored utensils, you can have the kids paint them instead. Only 6 supplies needed, which you probably already have on hand! Simple and easy, but still very creative. 

Easy Clothespin Firefly Craft for Kids

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This lightning bug craft is really easy to make, and perfect when you have leftover clothespins you want to use up. You could easily attach a small magnet to the back and use these to display lightweight pieces of artwork on the fridge. If you want to display in a banner style just run a piece of twine through the middle and start hanging! 

Walnut Bug Craft

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I have never even thought of making little creatures from walnuts! They are absolutely precious, and you most likely have all of the supplies you need. Swap the walnuts for acorns if you happen to have those in your yard. You could use pecans as well for the bug bodies. 

Paper Plate Ladybug Craft For Kids

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Creating ladybugs out of paper plates is a super cheap and fun craft that toddlers never get tired of! Once you’re finished making bugs, try making a bee or spider using the same concept and your leftover craft supplies.

Pipe Cleaner and Bead Inchworm Craft

Pipe Cleaner and Bead Inchworm Craft from Craftulate
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These inch worms are so cute! Since this isn’t a papercraft, your tot will love being able to play with it once it’s made. The worms are made from pipe cleaners and beads. If you have older kids that are helping the little ones, see what other insects they can make using the same materials. 

Minibeast Fingerprint Snail Craft

Arty Crafty Kids | Minibeast Fingerprint Snail Craft for kids to make. A simple bug craft for kids with a printable snail template @artycraftykids
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When you need a second to yourself, line your table with some butcher paper and let the toddlers go make these fingerpainted snails! This craft may seem really simple, but what child doesn’t love painting and doing something by themselves. All you have to do is help them at the end glue the eyes on. 

Letting toddlers make bug and insect crafts helps them to learn about the Spring season and keeps them entertained. These are great when you want to let their imagination go and get in touch with their outdoorsy side. Don’t forget that these activities are perfect for introducing them to new things and accompany preschool lessons well.


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Bug and Insect Crafts for Toddlers